over the last twenty years vinnie has produced and been the talent behind DRIVETIME RADIO. starting out on KJR as a weekly auto review feature on the mikey and vinnie show he has grown drivetime into a one hour automotive news, interviews and reviews show as well as a daily feature while still producing the weekly review.
vinnie looks at cars as he does sports; with a sense of humor, a keen everymans eye and as a fan. he grew up in the automotive business and has done just about everything in it. he was a licensed ny state inspector and collision damage appraiser prior to getting into radio so he knows cars from the inside out!
drivetime reviews have run on some of the heritage signals in radio: KJR-AM seattle, KIRO-AM seattle, KOMO-AM seattle, KFWB-AM los angeles, KDKA-AM pittsburgh and are syndicated nationally by CBS Interactive